Thursday, December 17, 2020

12 Days of Christmas

If we choose three gifts randomly, what is the probability that they are all birds of the same kind?

Friday, December 4, 2020

Circle sectors

Not accurately drawn.


Average Pages



Mother asked Vera to type a manuscript. Vera decided: "I will type an average of 20 pages a day."

She typed the first half of the manuscript rather lazily, at 10 pages a day. To make up for it, she typed the second half at 30 pages a day.

"See, I did average 20 pages a day," Vera concluded. "Half of 10 + 30 is 20."

"No, you didn't," her mother said.

Who was right?

The Moscow Puzzles

Monday, November 16, 2020

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Forming Equations - Bingo

When a number is increased by 5, the answer is 7. 


When a number is decreased by 3, the answer is -1.


When a number is increased by 5 and the resulting number is doubled, the answer is 33.


A number is doubled and three is added. The result is 7. 


Twice a number is 3 less than the number. 


Four times a number is equal to 35 minus the number. 


3 added to the square of a number is 7. 


Two consecutive numbers are added and the answer is 21. 


Two consecutive even numbers are added and the answer is 14. 


Three more than a number is two.

A number subtracted from seven is equal to three more than that number.



Monday, November 9, 2020

Multi-step Equation Challenge

Using the digits 1 to 9, at most one time each, create an equation where x has the smallest (or greatest) possible value. 

Source: Open Middle

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

A Surprising Matchstick Puzzle


By moving just one matchstick, how can you make the left side of the equation as close as possible in value to the right side of the equation? As always, you can’t turn the equals sign into an inequality sign?

Resource: Puzzle A Day

Monday, October 26, 2020

Parallel Parking


Every weekend, I drive into town for contactless curbside pickup at a local restaurant. Across the street from the restaurant are six parking spots, lined up in a row.

While I can parallel park, it’s definitely not my preference. No parallel parking is required when the rearmost of the six spots is available or when there are two consecutive open spots. If there is a random arrangement of cars currently occupying four of the six spots, what’s the probability that I will have to parallel park?

Source:The Riddler

Three Die Together

Three die are randomly put together as shown above. 
What is the probability of the visible face totaling to 13?
In the example above the total is 3+4+5=12


Friday, October 23, 2020

Monday, October 5, 2020

Rock-Paper-Scissor Puzzle


Start in any square and move one square at a time straight or diagonally. You can only move to a square that you can beat. Eg you can move from scissors to paper as scissors beats paper. Once you've been to a square, you can't return to that square. How can you visit each square?

Weekly Math Challenge #4


Monday, September 28, 2020

Angles on the clock

What is the acute angle between the hour and minute hands?

What time will it be when the same angle occurs for the first time after 10:10?